The aim of the International Environmental Doctoral School associated with the Centre for Polar Studies at the University of Silesia in Katowice (IEDS) is to provide a new generation of scientists with new opportunities for high-quality contributions to scientific research by offering them theoretical and practical (methodological) training, designed to stimulate their intellectual growth and boost their academic status. These aims are in line with the general strategy of the University of Silesia in Katowice and the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences.The University of Silesia in Katowice and the Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences aim to achieve the highest standards of education and scientific research, assessed with the use of parameterised assessment methods. The International Environmental Doctoral School is likely to significantly help the cause through educating young academic staff and conducting research in collaboration with renowned academic centres from abroad. Useful in working towards the goal will also be the experience gained as a result of the previous activity of the Centre for Polar Studies and Interdisciplinary Polar Studies KNOW. The International Environmental Doctoral School (IEDS) will involve cooperation with foreign academic centres, whose academic staff will work as supervisors or auxiliary supervisors and lecturers at IEDS, and which will accept IEDS doctoral students for internship programmes. Such cooperation will make it possible to ensure very high standards of education, which is a priority for the University of Silesia in Katowice and for the Polish Academy of Sciences. Area of knowledge, field of science and academic discipline, or field of the arts and artistic discipline:
The most important dates
Detailed admission schedule Documents to be uploaded through
Documents should be submitted in the IEDS office or sent to or via the website
Admission fee
Graduation DiplomaAdmission to IEDS is available for all candidates holding a title of master, master engineer or equal or in exceptional cases justified by the highest quality of scientific achievements a person not fulfilling the requirements who is a graduate of the 1st cycle studies or a student who has completed the third year of long-cycle studies. The person applying for admission should apply copy of the diploma of graduation from master studies with the supplement or, in the case of their lack, a certificate confirmed by an authorized person regarding graduation from master studies with an indication of the final result of studies and a certificate regarding the mean of grades from studies; in the case of completing the university abroad, it is necessary to submit a sworn translation of the document into Polish or English (if the document was issued in another language); the candidate qualified to be admitted is obliged to immediately submit a diploma of graduation abroad in the form of legalization or apostille.Detailed data on admission